Free delivery from 80€ of purchase in Europe Area*
5,03Kg Co2 eq


  • €89.99
Please select product features
Eco-Designed Material
Eco-Designed Material
Removable Insole
Removable Insole
Eco-design is at the heart of our collections. This product is made from eco-designed materials.
This shoe is equipped with a removable insole so that you can insert your own orthopedic insoles by replacing it.
Analyse du cycle de vie (acv)
Empreinte carbone (en kg CO2 équivalent)
5,03Kg/CO2 eq*

Fiche produit relative aux qualités et caractéristiques environnementales

  • Percentage of recycled material : 45%
  • Type of packaging : Boite
  • Packaging composition : Papier recyclé
  • Packaging recyclability : Emballage majoritairement recyclable
  • Percentage of recycled material in packaging : 100%
  • Weight (without packaging) : 0,350 kg
  • Country of stitching : VIETNAM
  • Country of assembly : VIETNAM
  • Country of finishing : VIETNAM
  • Free delivery from 80€ of purchase
  • Free returns within 30 days